Monday, March 1, 2010

The Janissary Tree

The book that we have been reading for the next colloquium is called The Janissary Tree by Jason Goodwin. So far, I am really enjoying this book. I love how the novel is a perfect combination of a what we are learning about in class and a good read. I have always loved mystery novels and mystery films, so this book is interesting to me. The way that the story is narrated reminds me of the format of a movie. Each chapter ends with a punch, and the next chapter usually begins with a completely different scene from the previous chapter. I think that Yashim is a great detective because of the way that he is investigating the crimes. He is researching cauldrons and drawing smart conclusions from what he gathers. I would never be able to be a detective because I don't think I would be able to make conclusions as quickly as he does. I have not finished the novel yet, so I am very interested in seeing how these murders and other crimes will tie together and be solved.

The Janissary Tree is a good reflection of what we are learning about in class and what we read in The Red Apple. In The Red Apple, we learned mostly about how young boys were chosen to become janissaries and how they fought in battle. In The Janissary Tree, we are learning more about how janissaries rebelled against their sultan to get their ways. The two books together are a great source of information about janissaries because they both teach different sides of what it was like to be a janissary.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! i find this class so interesting because everything we're reading for homework is corrosponding with the notes and lecture from class. Its good because like you said we learned about the Janissaries and now we're going back over it to learn about the different steps in a Janissaries life.

    What I've been finding so interesting is how the Janissaries were the ones to rebel. They were the slaves. I've never heard of the slaves having such a high position in society that they feel like eventually they can rebel. I though it was the most clever idea to have the slaves be apart of a higher status, it allowed them to be grateful and serve their Sultan whole-heartedly although they forgot who they were and felt important enough to go against the Sultan. I think the WHOLE Empire lost their roots which is why it seemed like they were declining.
