Thursday, May 6, 2010

Conclusion of My Guantanamo Diary

This class is my third class that I have taken with Professor Metcalf. Needless to say, there has been a whole lot of reading within these three classes, but I must say that I have learned the most information in My Guantanamo Diary. This is a book that I feel all Americans should be required to read. It is an eye opening book into the corruption of the American government that most people do not even know about. The book made me understand why so many people in this world hate our country.

The book is also so important because it is a highly detailed account of something that is going on right now at this very second. Right now there are innocent people being held in Guantanamo that will probably never see a fair trial for the rest of their lives. The book made me understand what it means to be a human being. For example, I learned that it is not possible to stay sane without any contact from your family when you were originally so close to them. Based on the accounts in this book, innocent people are going insane from not seeing their families for years and staring at concrete walls for twenty two hours a day. This book puts the United States to shame, and I feel completely embarassed for our country. It is such a shame that such a powerful country feels the need to detain innocent prisoners without giving them the right to a fair trial. This book helped me realize that the United States and its justice system are not even close to what I have grown up believing them to be. My Guantanamo Diary truly made me realize that the more you learn, the more you realize how little you really do know about the world.

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